Setup an account today to
start personalizing your shopping
experience. With an account you can
conveniently maintain your account
information, check the status of your recent
orders,get special discount at a certain
period and much more.
If you would not like to be our member, you
can go shopping directly without any
register process.
To start shopping,you could
find the function of "Select Currency" at
the right top of home page when start
shopping. Its USD automatically.If you do
not want to use USD currency,you can
choose the currency you perfer in "Select
Currency" dropdown.it will be exchanged into
GBP, EUR, CAD, AUD or JPY which you choosed
Then follow
the steps below:
Find the items you want
Add the Items to Your Shopping Cart
Fill in the needed information
Choose a shipping methed you prefered
Choose a payment method you prefered
Proceed to Checkout
website has successfully passed the
certification process with PayPal!
Please confirm your order and then will be redirect to PayPal's website to complete their payment. This is the basic PayPal account setup.
If you have any problem with shopping please
feel free to email us :